如何使用 Storybook 测试 UI
Storybook 提供了一个用于单独测试组件的洁净室环境。故事使探索组件的所有变体变得容易,无论组件多么复杂。
¥Storybook provides a clean-room environment for testing components in isolation. Stories make it easy to explore a component in all its variations, no matter how complex.
这意味着故事是你的 UI 测试策略的务实起点。你已经将故事作为 UI 开发的自然组成部分,测试这些故事是一种防止 UI 随着时间的推移而出现错误的低成本方法。
¥That means stories are a pragmatic starting point for your UI testing strategy. You already write stories as a natural part of UI development, testing those stories is a low-effort way to prevent UI bugs over time.
最简单的测试方法是手动“抽查”。你在本地运行 Storybook,然后目测每个故事以验证其外观和行为。发布 你的 Storybook 在线共享复制品并让队友参与其中。
¥The simplest testing method is manual “spot checking”. You run Storybook locally, then eyeball every story to verify its appearance and behavior. Publish your Storybook online to share reproductions and get teammates involved.
要单独测试组件,你通常必须模拟数据、依赖甚至网络请求。查看我们的 Storybook 中的模拟 指南以了解更多信息。
¥To test a component in isolation, you often have to mock data, dependencies, or even network requests. Check out our guide on mocking in Storybook for more info.
Storybook 还附带工具、测试运行器 以及与更大的 JavaScript 生态系统的便捷集成,以扩展你的 UI 测试覆盖范围。这些文档详细说明了如何使用 Storybook 进行 UI 测试。
¥Storybook also comes with tools, a test runner, and handy integrations with the larger JavaScript ecosystem to expand your UI test coverage. These docs detail how you can use Storybook for UI testing.
组件测试 提供有关用户行为模拟
¥Component tests for user behavior simulation
视觉测试 用于外观
¥Visual tests for appearance
可访问性测试 用于可访问性
¥Accessibility tests for accessibility
快照测试 提供有关渲染错误和警告
¥Snapshot tests for rendering errors and warnings
测试运行器 用于自动化测试执行
¥Test runner to automate test execution
测试覆盖率 用于测量代码覆盖率
¥Test coverage for measuring code coverage
端到端测试 提供有关模拟真实用户场景
¥End-to-end tests for simulating real user scenarios
单元测试 用于功能性
¥Unit tests for functionality