Storybook Docs


Storybook 被组件库和设计系统广泛使用。设计系统作者可以在消费者的 Storybook 中自动编写他们的设计系统。

¥Storybook is widely used by component libraries and design systems. Design system authors can automatically compose their design systems inside their consumer’s Storybooks.

例如,如果你使用设计系统包,它的故事可以与你自己的故事一起出现。这使得无需离开 Storybook 即可方便地交叉引用使用文档。

¥For example, if you use a design system package, its stories can appear alongside your own. That makes it convenient to cross reference usage documentation without leaving Storybook.

通过包进行组合需要你发布 Storybook 的服务与 Storybook 自己的 API 之间进行安全集成。我们推荐 将 Storybook 发布到 Chromatic 以全面支持这些功能。

¥Composition via a package requires a secure integration between the service where you publish Storybook and Storybook’s own APIs. We recommend publishing Storybook to Chromatic for full support of these features.


¥For consumers

如果包 supports 则会自动进行组合。当你安装软件包时,Storybook 会将其故事与你自己的故事一起加载。

¥Composition happens automatically if the package supports it. When you install the package, Storybook will load its stories alongside your own.

Package composition workflow


¥Set up

如果你想配置组合 Storybook 的行为方式,你可以在 .storybook/main.js 中禁用 ref 元素

¥If you want to configure how the composed Storybook behaves, you can disable the ref element in your .storybook/main.js

// Replace your-framework with the framework you are using (e.g., react-webpack5, vue3-vite)
import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/your-framework';
const config: StorybookConfig = {
  framework: '@storybook/your-framework',
  stories: ['../src/**/*.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)'],
  refs: {
    'package-name': { disable: true },
export default config;


¥Switching versions

更改组合 Storybook 的版本以查看库如何演变。这需要软件包作者的 configuration

¥Change the version of the composed Storybook to see how the library evolves. This requires configuration from the package author.

Package composition workflow


¥For authors

组件库作者可以通过在消费者的 Storybook 中编写组件来扩展采用。

¥Component library authors can expand adoption by composing their components in their consumer’s Storybooks.

在已发布的 package.json 中添加一个 storybook 属性,其中包含一个带有 url 字段的对象。将 URL 字段指向你想要的版本的已发布 Storybook。

¥Add a storybook property in your published package.jsonthat contains an object with a url field. Point the URL field to a published Storybook at the version you want.

// Your component library’s package.json
  "storybook": {
    "url": ""


¥Automatic version selection

如果你使用的是 Chromatic,则可以在 storybook.url 字段中为你的 Storybook 提供单个 URL。你不需要在每次发布新版本时更改 URL。Storybook 将自动为你的包找到正确的 URL。例如:

¥If you're using Chromatic, you can provide a single URL for your Storybook in the storybook.url field. You do not need to change the URL each time you publish a new version. Storybook will automatically find the correct URL for your package. For example:

  "storybook": {
    "url": ""

在此示例中,xyz123 是你的 Chromatic 项目 ID。Storybook 将自动在发布到该项目的 Storybook 中编写与用户安装的版本相对应的内容。

¥In this example xyz123 is your Chromatic project id. Storybook will automatically compose in the Storybook published to that project corresponding to the version the user has installed.


¥Show a version selector

如果你使用的是 Chromatic,则可以为用户提供 从中选择 的版本列表,以便用户尝试其他版本的软件包。

¥If you're using Chromatic, you can provide a list of versions for the user to choose from to experiment with other versions of your package.