Storybook Docs



¥A reproducible test case lets you isolate the cause of a problem, which is the first step towards fixing it! This page outlines how to get set up to create a reproduction.


¥Why should you create a reproduction?


¥A reproducible test case is a great way to share a specific set of conditions that causes a bug. It allows both the maintainers and the community to verify, narrow down the cause of the problem and help you fix the issue.




¥Make sure you have:


¥Initial setup


¥First, open a terminal and run the following command:

npx storybook@next sandbox

你可以在命令中附加模板名称以获取过滤结果(例如 npx storybook@next sandbox react)。

¥You can append a template name in the command to get filtered results (e.g., npx storybook@next sandbox react).


¥Next, choose the template you want to work with:

Storybook reproduction generator template


¥Finally, enter a location for your reproduction:

Storybook reproduction location


¥If you don't provide a full path for the reproduction it will be generated in the current directory.

如果一切正常,你应该在本地环境中设置一个功能齐全的 Storybook。

¥If everything worked as it should, you should have a fully functional Storybook set up in your local environment.


¥Third-party dependencies & addons

在添加代码之前,请安装并配置任何必要的软件包。例如,如果你遇到 CSS 框架(例如 Tailwind)的问题,你应该安装并配置它。

¥Before adding code, install and configure any necessary packages. For example, if you run into a problem with a CSS framework (e.g., Tailwind), you should install and configure it.

安装并配置与问题相关的任何 Storybook addons(例如 @storybook/addon-a11y)。

¥Install and configure any Storybook addons that relate to the issue (e.g.,@storybook/addon-a11y).


¥Add stories

如果没有 stories,任何 Storybook 复制都不会完整。为了帮助你更快地解决问题,我们鼓励你包含最少数量的可以复制你的问题的故事。

¥Any Storybook reproduction wouldn't be complete without stories. To help fix your issue faster, we encourage you to include the minimum amount of stories that will replicate your issue.



当你完成工作后,你需要托管你的复制品。首先登录 并创建 新存储库

¥When you've finished your work, you'll need to host your reproduction. Start by signing into and create a new repository.

github repository for reproductions

然后,按照 GitHub 的说明设置存储库。

¥Then, follow GitHub's instructions to set up the repository.

github repository instructions

不要忘记用你自己的账户名替换 your-username

¥Don't forget to replace your-username with your own account name.



检查复制品的绝佳方法是将其部署到网上。我们推荐 Chromatic,这是由 Storybook 维护者创建的免费发布服务。它允许你在云中安全地部署和托管你的复制品。

¥An excellent way to check your reproduction is to have it deployed online. We recommend Chromatic, a free publishing service created by the Storybook maintainers. It allows you to deploy and host your reproduction safely and securely in the cloud.

使用 Chromatic 时的有用资源

¥Helpful resources when working with Chromatic


¥Submit the issue

最后,在 Storybook 问题跟踪器 中创建你的问题,完成所需的步骤,并提供问题的详细描述。添加 GitHub 存储库和 部署复制 以帮助分类过程。

¥Finally, create your issue in the Storybook issue tracker, go through the required steps, and provide a detailed description of the problem. Add the GitHub repository and deployed reproduction to help with the triage process.