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Viewport 工具栏项允许你调整故事渲染的 iframe 的尺寸。它使开发响应式 UI 变得容易。

¥The Viewport toolbar item allows you to adjust the dimensions of the iframe your story is rendered in. It makes it easy to develop responsive UIs.

globals API

此插件已更新,在启用 viewportStoryGlobals 功能标志 时使用 globals API。使用 globals,当你为故事指定视口时,它不能从工具栏中覆盖,这确保了在故事之间导航时获得一致的体验。这将是 Storybook 9 中的默认行为和 API。

¥This addon has been updated to use the globals API when the viewportStoryGlobals feature flag is enabled. With globals, when you specify a viewport for a story, it cannot be overridden from the toolbar, which ensures a consistent experience while navigating between stories. This will be the default behavior and API in Storybook 9.



开箱即用,Viewport 插件为你提供了一组标准的视口供你使用。如果你想更改默认视口集,你可以使用 .storybook/preview.js 中的 viewport 参数 配置你自己的视口。

¥Out of the box, the Viewport addon offers you a standard set of viewports that you can use. If you want to change the default set of viewports, you can configure your own viewports with the viewport parameter in your .storybook/preview.js.

你可以使用 viewports 属性 定义可用的视口,并使用 defaultViewport 属性 设置初始视口:

¥You can define the available viewports using the viewports property and set the initial viewport using the defaultViewport property:

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      viewports: INITIAL_VIEWPORTS,
      defaultViewport: 'ipad',
export default preview;

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API

使用 globals API 时,必须使用 options 属性 定义可用的视口。可以使用 initialGlobals 属性设置初始视口,该属性接受与此插件的 globals 相同的对象属性。

¥When using the globals API, you must define the available viewports using the options property. The initial viewport can be set using the initialGlobals property, which accepts the same object properties as the globals for this addon.

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      viewports: INITIAL_VIEWPORTS,
  initialGlobals: {
    viewport: { value: 'ipad', isRotated: false },
export default preview;


¥Use a detailed set of devices

默认情况下,Viewport 插件将使用一组最小的视口,这使你可以在常见的响应式场景中测试 UI。这些插件在 MINIMAL_VIEWPORTS 导出 中也可用,包括以下设备:

¥By default, the Viewport addon will use a minimal set of viewports, which enables you to test your UI in common responsive scenarios. These are also available in the MINIMAL_VIEWPORTS export and include the following devices:

(w×h, px)
mobile1小型移动设备320 × 568
mobile2大型移动设备414 × 896
tablet平板电脑834 × 1112

如果你需要更详细的设备集,则可以使用 INITIAL_VIEWPORTS 导出,其中包括以下设备:

¥If you need a more detailed set of devices, you can use the INITIAL_VIEWPORTS export, which includes the following devices:

(w×h, px)
iphone5iPhone 5320 × 568
iphone6iPhone 6375 × 667
iphone6piPhone 6 Plus414 × 736
iphone8piPhone 8 Plus414 × 736
iphonexiPhone X375 × 812
iphonexriPhone XR414 × 896
iphonexsmaxiPhone XS Max414 × 896
iphonese2iPhone SE(第二代)375 × 667
iphone12miniiPhone 12 mini375 × 812
iphone12iPhone 12390 × 844
iphone12promaxiPhone 12 Pro Max428 × 926
iphoneSE3iPhone SE 第三代375 × 667
iphone13iPhone 13390 × 844
iphone13proiPhone 13 Pro390 × 844
iphone13promaxiPhone 13 Pro Max428 × 926
iphone14iPhone 14390 × 844
iphone14proiPhone 14 Pro393 × 852
iphone14promaxiPhone 14 Pro Max430 × 932
galaxys5Galaxy S5360 × 640
galaxys9Galaxy S9360 × 740
nexus5xNexus 5X412 × 668
nexus6pNexus 6P412 × 732
pixelPixel540 × 960
pixelxlPixel XL720 × 1280
320 × 568
414 × 896
ipadiPad768 × 1024
ipad10piPad Pro 10.5 英寸834 × 112
ipad11piPad Pro 11 英寸834 × 1194
ipad12piPad Pro 12.9 英寸1024 × 1366
834 × 1112

要使用详细的设备集,你可以将配置中的 viewports 属性替换为 INITIAL_VIEWPORTS 导出:

¥To use the detailed set of devices, you can replace the viewports property in your configuration with the INITIAL_VIEWPORTS export:

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      viewports: INITIAL_VIEWPORTS,
      defaultViewport: 'ipad',
export default preview;

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API

使用 globals API 时,可用的视口使用 options 属性 定义。

¥When using the globals API, the available viewports are defined using the options property.

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      viewports: INITIAL_VIEWPORTS,
  initialGlobals: {
    viewport: { value: 'ipad', isRotated: false },
export default preview;


¥Add new devices

如果预定义的视口不能满足你的需求,你可以将新设备添加到视口列表中。例如,让我们将两个 Kindle 设备添加到默认的最小视口集中:

¥If the predefined viewports don't meet your needs, you can add new devices to the list of viewports. For example, let's add two Kindle devices to the default set of minimal viewports:

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API

使用 globals API 时,请注意,可用的视口是使用 options 属性 定义的。

¥When using the globals API, note that available viewports are defined using the options property.

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { MINIMAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';
const kindleViewports = {
  kindleFire2: {
    name: 'Kindle Fire 2',
    styles: {
      width: '600px',
      height: '963px',
  kindleFireHD: {
    name: 'Kindle Fire HD',
    styles: {
      width: '533px',
      height: '801px',
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      viewports: {
export default preview;


¥Configuring per component or story


¥In some cases, it's not practical for you to use a specific visual viewport on a global scale, and you need to adjust it to an individual story or set of stories for a component.

参数 可以应用于项目、组件和故事级别,这允许你在需要时指定配置。例如,你可以像这样为组件的所有故事设置可用的视口:

¥Parameters can be applied at the project, component, and story levels, which allows you to specify the configuration where needed. For example, you can set the available viewports for all of the stories for a component like so:

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
const meta: Meta<typeof MyComponent> = {
  component: MyComponent,
  parameters: {
    viewport: {
      //👇 Set available viewports for every story in the file
      viewports: INITIAL_VIEWPORTS,
export default meta;


¥Defining the viewport for a story

Viewport 插件使你可以通过从工具栏中的预定义视口列表中进行选择来更改应用于故事的视口。如果需要,你可以使用 parameters.viewport.default 参数将故事默认设置为特定的视口:

¥The Viewport addon enables you to change the viewport applied to a story by selecting from the list of predefined viewports in the toolbar. If needed, you can set a story to default to a specific viewport, by using the parameters.viewport.default parameter:

// Replace your-framework with the name of your framework
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/your-framework';
import { Button } from './Button';
const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
  component: Button,
  parameters: {
    // 👇 Set default viewport for all component stories
    viewport: { defaultViewport: 'tablet' },
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Button>;
export const OnPhone: Story = {
  parameters: {
    // 👇 Override default viewport for this story
    viewport: { defaultViewport: 'mobile1' },


¥As implied by the name, this method only sets the default viewport for a story. You can still change the viewport using the toolbar when viewing the story.

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API

当你使用 globals 为故事(或组件的故事)指定视口时,将应用视口,并且无法使用工具栏进行更改。当你想要确保故事始终在特定视口上渲染时,这很有用。

¥When you specify a viewport for a story (or a component's stories) using globals, the viewport is applied and cannot be changed using the toolbar. This is useful when you want to ensure that a story is always rendered on a specific viewport.

// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Button } from './Button';
const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
  component: Button,
  globals: {
    // 👇 Set viewport for all component stories
    viewport: { value: 'tablet', isRotated: false },
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Button>;
export const OnPhone: Story = {
  globals: {
    // 👇 Override viewport for this story
    viewport: { value: 'mobile1', isRotated: false },



¥Keyboard shortcuts


¥If you need, you can edit these on the shortcuts page.

  • 下一个视口:alt + v

    ¥Next viewport: alt + v

  • 上一个视口:alt + shift + v

    ¥Previous viewport: alt + shift + v

  • 重置视口:alt + control + v

    ¥Reset viewport: alt + control + v

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API



此插件在 viewport 命名空间下为 Storybook 贡献了以下全局变量:

¥This addon contributes the following globals to Storybook, under the viewport namespace:



¥Type: string

设置后,将应用视口,并且无法使用工具栏更改。必须与 可用视口 之一的键匹配。

¥When set, the viewport is applied and cannot be changed using the toolbar. Must match the key of one of the available viewports.



¥Type: boolean

当为 true 时,应用的视口将旋转 90°,例如,它将从纵向旋转到横向。

¥When true the viewport applied will be rotated 90°, e.g. it will rotate from portrait to landscape orientation.



此插件将以下 参数 贡献给 Storybook,位于 viewport 命名空间下:

¥This addon contributes the following parameters to Storybook, under the viewport namespace:


类型:'portrait' | 'landscape'

¥Type: 'portrait' | 'landscape'


¥Default: 'portrait'

指定查看故事时使用的默认方向。仅在你未启用 全局 API 时可用。

¥Specifies the default orientation used when viewing a story. Only available if you haven't enabled the globals API.



¥Type: string

指定查看故事时使用的默认视口。必须与 viewports(或 options)对象中的键匹配。

¥Specifies the default viewport used when viewing a story. Must match a key in the viewports (or options) object.


使用 globals API

¥With the globals API

请注意,该属性已重命名为 disabled

¥Note that the property has been renamed to disabled.


¥Type: boolean

关闭此插件的行为。如果你希望为整个 Storybook 关闭此插件,你应该在注册 addon-essentials 时这样做。有关更多信息,请参阅 必备插件文档

¥Turn off this addon's behavior. If you wish to turn off this addon for the entire Storybook, you should do so when registering addon-essentials. See the essential addon's docs for more information.

此参数最有用,允许在更具体的级别进行覆盖。例如,如果此参数在项目级别设置为 true,则可以通过在元(组件)或故事级别将其设置为 false 来重新启用它。

¥This parameter is most useful to allow overriding at more specific levels. For example, if this parameter is set to true at the project level, it could be re-enabled by setting it to false at the meta (component) or story level.




  [key: string]: {
    name: string;
    styles: { height: string, width: string };
    type: 'desktop' | 'mobile' | 'tablet';

指定可用的视口。参见上面的 使用示例widthheight 值必须包含单位,例如 '320px'

¥Specify the available viewports. See usage example above. The width and height values must include the unit, e.g. '320px'.

使用 globals API

¥With the globals API




  [key: string]: {
    name: string;
    styles: { height: string, width: string };
    type: 'desktop' | 'mobile' | 'tablet' | 'other';


¥Replaces: viewports

指定可用的视口。参见上面的 使用示例widthheight 值必须包含单位,例如 '320px'

¥Specify the available viewports. See usage example above. The width and height values must include the unit, e.g. '320px'.



此插件为 Storybook 贡献了以下导出:

¥This addon contributes the following exports to Storybook:

import { INITIAL_VIEWPORTS, MINIMAL_VIEWPORTS } from '@storybook/addon-viewport';



¥Type: object

Viewport 插件 上面列出 提供的全套初始视口。

¥The full set of initial viewports provided by the Viewport addon, listed above.



¥Type: object

Viewport 插件 上面列出 提供的一组最小视口。这些是默认使用的。

¥A minimal set of viewports provided by the Viewport addon listed above. These are used by default.