Docs 共享
Storybook Docs


你已准备好并测试了你的组件。太棒了!现在你想让你的团队或社区可以使用你的组件库,以帮助他们了解它们的工作原理。你可以通过多种方式做到这一点。你可以将 Storybook 发布到 Chromatic 等服务,将一些故事嵌入到你自己的网站中,或者使用 Figma 等第三方服务。

¥You have your components ready and tested. That's great! Now you want to make your component library available to your team or community to help them understand how they work. There are multiple ways you can do that. You can publish your Storybook to services like Chromatic, embed some of your stories in your own website, or use third party services like Figma.