Storybook Docs


恭喜!你已了解基础知识。Storybook 是用于 UI 组件开发和文档的最流行工具。你将能够将这些技能转移到使用 Storybook 构建 UI 的数千家公司,包括 GitHub、Airbnb 和 Stripe。

¥Congratulations! You learned the basics. Storybook is the most popular tool for UI component development and documentation. You’ll be able to transfer these skills to thousands of companies that use Storybook to build UIs including GitHub, Airbnb, and Stripe.

如果你想了解使用 Storybook 构建应用 UI 的工作流程,请查看我们在 tutorials 页面上的深入指南。继续阅读以获取有关如何使用 Storybook API 的详细信息。

¥If you’d like to learn workflows for building app UIs with Storybook, check out our in-depth guides over at the tutorials page. Continue reading for detailed information on how to use Storybook APIs.