Storybook Docs


Storybook 团队以 GitHub 项目的形式维护 公共路线图。此页面解释了路线图中的内容、如何解释它以及如何为其做出贡献。

¥The Storybook team maintains a public roadmap in the form of a GitHub project. This page explains what's in the roadmap, how to interpret it, and how to contribute to it.


¥What's in the roadmap?

每张卡片代表一个 Storybook 项目。列表示从想法到交付功能的较大更改方式。项目通常以 征求意见 (RFC) 开始,然后在团队完全确定其内容后演变为 跟踪问题。我们每八周发布一次 Storybook 次要版本,每年发布一次主要版本,通常在二月/三月。

¥Each card represents a Storybook project. The columns represent how larger changes make their way from idea to shipped feature. Projects typically start as an Request for Comment (RFC), then evolve into a tracking issue once the team has fully scoped what it entails. We ship a Storybook minor version every eight weeks, and a major version once per year, typically in Feb/Mar.



这些卡是我们正在考虑用于当前主要版本的想法。例如,如果 8.0 是最新的主要版本,这些将是 8.x9.0 的想法。本专栏中的想法最模糊,可能会根据我们的优先级来来去去。

¥These cards are ideas on our radar that we are considering for the current major release. For example, if 8.0 is the most recent major version, these would be ideas for 8.x or 9.0. The ideas in this column are the fuzziest and may come and go depending on our priorities.


¥Under consideration

这些是正在讨论的下一个开发周期的项目。例如,如果最新的次要版本是 8.1,而我们目前正在开发 8.2,则此列中的项目将考虑用于 8.3。与可以包含任何想法的候选列不同,正在考虑的项目必须用 RFC 记录下来。

¥These are projects being discussed for the next dev cycle. For example, if the most recent minor version is 8.1, and we are currently working on 8.2, the projects in this column would be under consideration for 8.3. Unlike the candidates column, which can contain any idea, the projects under consideration must be documented with an RFC.


¥In progress


¥These are projects that we are currently working on. There are two kinds of projects in this column:

  1. 跟踪问题:预计在下一个小版本中发布的完全范围的项目。例如,如果最新的次要版本是 8.1,这些应该在 8.2 中发布,即 8.1 之后的八周。

    ¥Tracking issues: Fully scoped projects expected to ship in the next minor release. For example, if the most recent minor is 8.1, these should ship in 8.2, eight weeks after 8.1.

  2. 其他项目:由核心团队和附带项目推动的社区项目。这些没有 ETA,但我们会努力将它们作为当前主要版本的一部分准备好。例如,如果 8.0 是最新的主要版本,这些应该在 8.x9.0 中发布。

    ¥Other projects: Community projects facilitated by the core team and side projects. These don't have an ETA but we will push to have them ready as part of the current major. For example, if 8.0 is the most recent major version, these should ship in 8.x or 9.0.



这些项目已完成、记录并发布。我们遵循核心项目的 "固定时间,可变范围" 政策,这意味着我们将项目划分为里程碑,以尽早为用户提供最大价值,并在必要时缩小范围以按时发货。如果某个功能已超出项目范围,我们可能会尝试将其纳入后续项目,将其视为一般维护工作,或者忘记它。Storybook 是开源的,因此欢迎 PR 贡献!

¥These projects are completed, documented, and released. We follow a "fixed time, variable scope" policy for core projects, which means we scope a project into milestones to provide the most value to users as early as possible and cut scope if necessary to ship on time. If a feature has been scoped out of a project, we might try to fit it into a follow-up project, treat it as general maintenance work, or forget about it. Storybook is open source, so PR contributions are always welcome!


¥Frequently asked questions

项目 X 何时可用?

¥When will project X be available?

本路线图是估计,而不是承诺。一般来说,每个跟踪问题 "进行中" 都应该在未来两个月内可用。板上的其他所有内容都很有可能进入下一个主要版本。例如,如果 8.0 是最新的主要版本,我们将尝试将主板上的所有内容作为 8.x9.0 的一部分发布。如果我们认为某个项目不太可能成为下一个主要项目,我们将把它从董事会中踢出去。

¥This roadmap is an estimation, not a commitment. In general, every tracking issue "in progress" should be available in the next two months. Everything else on the board has a decent chance of getting into the next major release. For example, if 8.0 is the most recent major release, we will try to ship everything on the board as part of 8.x or 9.0. If we don't think a project is likely for the next major, we will kick it off the board.

问题 Y 或讨论 Z 怎么样?

¥What about issue Y or discussion Z?

Storybook 核心团队和我们的社区成员不断贡献错误修复和较小的产品改进。这里的项目是更大的工作块。在某些情况下,他们可能会解决某些问题,如果可能,我们会在 RFC 或项目跟踪问题中指出这些问题。

¥The Storybook core team and our community members continuously contribute bug fix bugs and smaller product improvements. The projects here are larger chunks of work. In some cases they may close out certain issues, and when possible we will call those out in the RFC or project tracking issue.


¥How do I get something onto the board?

如果你希望看到重大的产品改进,并且目前存在问题或 RFC,请对该问题/讨参数赞,并在其上发表评论,提供有关你的需求或用例的更多信息(如果目前尚未捕获)。如果你没有看到任何正确的东西,请随时联系 提交 RFC。我们根据用户/贡献者的兴趣(赞成、评论、Discord 对话等)和我们自己对该项目的战略抱负来确定优先级。

¥If there's a significant product improvement that you want to see, and there is currently an issue or an RFC for it, upvote that issue/discussion, and comment on it with more information about your need or use case if it's not currently captured. If you don't see anything that's quite right, please feel free to submit an RFC. We prioritize based on a combination of user/contributor interest (upvotes, comments, Discord conversations, etc.) and our own strategic ambitions for the project.