Storybook Docs


在 Storybook 中,你的故事在更大的 Storybook Web 应用内的特定“预览”iframe(也称为 Canvas)中渲染。预览的 JavaScript 构建配置由 builder 配置控制,但你可能还希望为每个故事运行一些代码或直接控制渲染的 HTML 以帮助你的故事正确渲染。

¥In Storybook, your stories render in a particular “preview” iframe (also called the Canvas) inside the larger Storybook web application. The JavaScript build configuration of the preview is controlled by a builder config, but you also may want to run some code for every story or directly control the rendered HTML to help your stories render correctly.


¥Running code for every story

预览文件 (.storybook/preview.js|ts) 中执行的代码会针对 Storybook 中的每个故事运行。这对于设置全局样式、初始化库或渲染组件所需的任何其他内容很有用。

¥Code executed in the preview file (.storybook/preview.js|ts) runs for every story in your Storybook. This is useful for setting up global styles, initializing libraries, or anything else required to render your components.


¥Here's an example of how you might use the preview file to initialize a library that must run before your components render:

// .storybook/preview.ts
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { initialize } from '../lib/your-library';
const preview: Preview = {
  // ...
export default preview;

添加到 <head>

¥Adding to <head>

如果你需要向预览 iframe 的 head 添加额外元素,例如加载静态样式表、字体文件或类似内容,你可以创建一个名为 .storybook/preview-head.html 的文件并添加如下标签:

¥If you need to add extra elements to the head of the preview iframe, for instance, to load static stylesheets, font files, or similar, you can create a file called .storybook/preview-head.html and add tags like this:

{/* .storybook/preview-head.html */}
{/* Pull in static files served from your Static directory or the internet */}
{/* Example: `main.js|ts` is configured with staticDirs: ['../public'] and your font is located in the `fonts` directory inside your `public` directory */}
<link rel="preload" href="/fonts/my-font.woff2" />
{/* Or you can load custom head-tag JavaScript: */}
<script src=""></script>
  try {
  } catch (e) {}

Storybook 会将这些标签注入到你的组件渲染的预览 iframe 中,而不是 Storybook 应用 UI。

¥Storybook will inject these tags into the preview iframe where your components render, not the Storybook application UI.

但是,也可以使用 main.js 文件中定义的预设以编程方式修改预览头 HTML。阅读 预设文档 了解更多信息。

¥However, it's also possible to modify the preview head HTML programmatically using a preset defined in the main.js file. Read the presets documentation for more information.

添加到 <body>

¥Adding to <body>

有时,你可能需要向 <body> 添加不同的标签。有助于添加一些自定义内容根。

¥Sometimes, you may need to add different tags to the <body>. Helpful for adding some custom content roots.

你可以通过在 .storybook 目录中创建一个名为 preview-body.html 的文件并添加如下标签来实现这一点:

¥You can accomplish this by creating a file called preview-body.html inside your .storybook directory and adding tags like this:

{/*  .storybook/preview-body.html */}
<div id="custom-root"></div>

如果在你的项目中使用相对大小(如 remem),你可以通过向 preview-body.html 添加 style 标签来更新基本 font-size

¥If using relative sizing in your project (like rem or em), you may update the base font-size by adding a style tag to preview-body.html:

{/* .storybook/preview-body.html */}
  html {
    font-size: 15px;

Storybook 会将这些标签注入到你的组件渲染的预览 iframe 中,而不是 Storybook 应用 UI。

¥Storybook will inject these tags into the preview iframe where your components render, not the Storybook application UI.

就像你可以自定义预览 head HTML 标签一样,你也可以按照相同的步骤使用预设自定义预览 body。要获取有关如何执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅 预设文档

¥Just like how you have the ability to customize the preview head HTML tag, you can also follow the same steps to customize the preview body with a preset. To obtain more information on how to do this, refer to the presets documentation.