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Storybook Docs

开始使用 Storybook

欢迎阅读 Storybook 的文档 ✦ 了解如何在你的项目中开始使用 Storybook。然后,探索 Storybook 的主要概念并发现其他资源以帮助你发展和维护你的 Storybook。

¥Welcome to Storybook's documentation ✦ Learn how to get started with Storybook in your project. Then, explore Storybook's main concepts and discover additional resources to help you grow and maintain your Storybook.

什么是 Storybook?

¥What is Storybook?

Storybook 是一个用于独立构建 UI 组件和页面的前端工作室。它可以帮助你开发和共享难以触及的状态和边缘情况,而无需运行整个应用。成千上万的团队使用它进行 UI 开发、测试和文档编写。它是开源且免费的。

¥Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. It helps you develop and share hard-to-reach states and edge cases without needing to run your whole app. Thousands of teams use it for UI development, testing, and documentation. It's open source and free.

安装 Storybook

¥Install Storybook

Storybook 是一个与你的应用一起运行的独立工具。它是一个零配置环境,可与任何现代前端框架配合使用。你可以将 Storybook 安装到现有项目中,也可以从头开始创建一个新项目。

¥Storybook is a standalone tool that runs alongside your app. It's a zero-config environment that works with any modern frontend framework. You can install Storybook into an existing project or create a new one from scratch.

npx storybook@latest init

想要了解有关安装 Storybook 的更多信息吗?查看 安装指南

¥Want to know more about installing Storybook? Check out the installation guide.


¥Main concepts

Storybook 是一个强大的工具,可以帮助你处理 UI 开发工作流程的许多方面。以下是一些帮助你入门的主要概念。

¥Storybook is a powerful tool that can help you with many aspects of your UI development workflow. Here are some of the main concepts to get you started.


¥Additional resources

一旦你了解了基础知识,请探索这些其他方法以充分利用 Storybook。

¥Once you've learned the basics, explore these other ways to get the most out of Storybook.