ArgTypes 指定 args 的行为。通过指定参数的类型,你可以限制它可以接受的值并提供有关未明确设置的参数(即 description)的信息。
¥ArgTypes specify the behavior of args. By specifying the type of an arg, you constrain the values that it can accept and provide information about args that are not explicitly set (i.e., description).
你还可以使用 argTypes 来“注释”参数,其中包含使用这些参数的插件使用的信息。例如,要指示 控件插件 渲染颜色选择器,你可以指定 'color'
¥You can also use argTypes to “annotate” args with information used by addons that make use of those args. For instance, to instruct the controls addon to render a color picker, you could specify the 'color'
control type.
argTypes 最具体的实现是 ArgTypes
类似)。表中的每一行对应于一个 argType 和该参数的当前值。
¥The most concrete realization of argTypes is the ArgTypes
doc block (Controls
is similar). Each row in the table corresponds to a single argType and the current value of that arg.
自动 argType 推断
¥Automatic argType inference
如果你使用的是 Storybook docs 插件(默认作为 essentials 的一部分安装),那么 Storybook 将根据 CSF 文件的 默认导出 中指定的 component
推断每个故事的一组 argType。
¥If you are using the Storybook docs addon (installed by default as part of essentials), then Storybook will infer a set of argTypes for each story based on the component
specified in the default export of the CSF file.
为此,Storybook 会根据你的框架使用各种静态分析工具。
¥To do so, Storybook uses various static analysis tools depending on your framework.
框架 | 静态分析工具 |
React | react-docgen(默认)或 react-docgen-typescript |
Vue | vue-docgen-api |
Angular | compodoc |
WebComponents | custom-element.json |
Ember | YUI 文档 |
¥The data structure of argTypes
is designed to match the output of the these tools. Properties specified manually will override what is inferred.
手动指定 argTypes
¥Manually specifying argTypes
对于大多数 Storybook 项目,argTypes 是来自组件的 自动推断。手动指定的任何参数类型都将覆盖推断的值。
¥For most Storybook projects, argTypes are automatically inferred from your components. Any argTypes specified manually will override the inferred values.
ArgTypes 通常在元(组件)级别指定,在 CSF 文件的 默认导出 中:
¥ArgTypes are most often specified at the meta (component) level, in the default export of the CSF file:
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Button } from './Button';
const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
component: Button,
argTypes: {
// 👇 All Button stories expect a label arg
label: {
control: 'text',
description: 'Overwritten description',
export default meta;
当在 preview.js|ts
¥They can apply to all stories when specified at the project (global) level, in the preview.js|ts
configuration file:
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Preview } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
const preview: Preview = {
argTypes: {
// 👇 All stories expect a label arg
label: {
control: 'text',
description: 'Overwritten description',
export default preview;
或者它们只能应用于 特定故事:
¥Or they can apply only to a specific story:
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Button } from './Button';
const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
component: Button,
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Button>;
export const Basic: Story = {
argTypes: {
// 👇 This story expects a label arg
label: {
control: 'text',
description: 'Overwritten description',
[key: string]: {
control?: ControlType | { type: ControlType; /* See below for more */ } | false;
description?: string;
if?: Conditional;
mapping?: { [key: string]: { [option: string]: any } };
name?: string;
options?: string[];
table?: {
category?: string;
defaultValue?: { summary: string; detail?: string };
disable?: boolean;
subcategory?: string;
type?: { summary?: string; detail?: string };
type?: SBType | SBScalarType['name'];
你可以使用键与 args 名称匹配的对象来配置 argTypes。每个键的值都是具有以下属性的对象:
¥You configure argTypes using an object with keys matching the name of args. The value of each key is an object with the following properties:
| ControlType
| {
type: ControlType,
accept?: string;
labels?: { [option: string]: string };
max?: number;
min?: number;
presetColors?: string[];
step?: number;
| false
, ifoptions
are specified -
推断¥Else, inferred from
指定 控件插件 对参数的行为。如果你指定一个字符串,它将用作控件的 type
。如果你指定一个对象,你可以提供其他配置。指定 false
¥Specify the behavior of the controls addon for the arg. If you specify a string, it's used as the type
of the control. If you specify an object, you can provide additional configuration. Specifying false
will prevent the control from rendering.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
value: {
control: {
type: 'number',
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 10,
export default meta;
类型:ControlType | null
¥Type: ControlType | null
,如果指定了 options
;回退到 'object'
¥Default: Inferred; 'select'
, if options
are specified; falling back to 'object'
指定用于使用 控件插件 更改参数值的控件类型。以下是可用的类型 ControlType
¥Specifies the type of control used to change the arg value with the controls addon. Here are the available types, ControlType
, grouped by the type of data they handle:
数据类型 | ControlType | 描述 |
array | 'object' | 提供基于 JSON 的编辑器来处理数组的值。还允许在原始模式下编辑。{ control: 'object' } |
boolean | 'boolean' | 提供切换开关,用于在可能的状态之间切换。{ control: 'boolean' } |
enum | 'check' | 提供一组堆叠复选框,用于选择多个选项。{ control: 'check', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] } |
'inline-check' | 提供一组内联复选框用于选择多个选项。{ control: 'inline-check', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] } | |
'radio' | 根据可用选项提供一组堆叠单选按钮。{ control: 'radio', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] } | |
'inline-radio' | 根据可用选项提供一组内联单选按钮。{ control: 'inline-radio', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] } | |
'select' | 提供选择以从选项中选择单个值。{ control: 'select', options: [20, 30, 40, 50] } | |
'multi-select' | 提供选择以从选项中选择多个值。{ control: 'multi-select', options: ['USA', 'Canada', 'Mexico'] } | |
number | 'number' | 提供数字输入以包含所有可能值的范围。{ control: { type: 'number', min:1, max:30, step: 2 } } |
'range' | 提供范围滑块以包含所有可能值。{ control: { type: 'range', min: 1, max: 30, step: 3 } } | |
object | 'file' | 提供返回 URL 数组的文件输入。可以进一步定制以接受特定文件类型。{ control: { type: 'file', accept: '.png' } } |
'object' | 提供基于 JSON 的编辑器来处理对象的值。还允许在原始模式下编辑。{ control: 'object' } | |
string | 'color' | 提供颜色选择器来选择颜色值。可以额外配置为包含一组颜色预设。{ control: { type: 'color', presetColors: ['red', 'green']} } |
'date' | 提供日期选择器以选择日期。{ control: 'date' } | |
'text' | 提供自由格式的文本输入。{ control: 'text' } |
控件会将日期转换为 UNIX 时间戳。这是一个已知的限制,将在未来的版本中修复。如果你需要表示实际日期,则需要更新故事的实现并将值转换为日期对象。
¥The date
control will convert the date into a UNIX timestamp when the value changes. It's a known limitation that will be fixed in a future release. If you need to represent the actual date, you'll need to update the story's implementation and convert the value into a date object.
¥Type: string
当 type
为 'file'
时,你可以指定接受的文件类型。该值应该是逗号分隔的 MIME 类型的字符串。
¥When type
is 'file'
, you can specify the file types that are accepted. The value should be a string of comma-separated MIME types.
类型:{ [option: string]: string }
¥Type: { [option: string]: string }
将 options
¥Map options
to labels. labels
doesn't have to be exhaustive. If an option is not in the object's keys, it's used verbatim.
¥Type: number
当 type
为 'number'
或 'range'
¥When type
is 'number'
or 'range'
, sets the maximum allowed value.
¥Type: number
当 type
为 'number'
或 'range'
¥When type
is 'number'
or 'range'
, sets the minimum allowed value.
¥Type: string[]
当 type
为 'color'
时,定义除通用颜色选择器之外可用的颜色集。数组中的值应该是有效的 CSS 颜色值。
¥When type
is 'color'
, defines the set of colors that are available in addition to the general color picker. The values in the array should be valid CSS color values.
¥Type: number
当 type
为 'number'
或 'range'
¥When type
is 'number'
or 'range'
, sets the granularity allowed when incrementing/decrementing the value.
¥Type: string
¥Default: Inferred
描述参数。(如果你打算描述参数的类型,则应改用 table.type
¥Describe the arg. (If you intend to describe the type of the arg, you should use table.type
, instead.)
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
value: {
description: 'The value of the slider',
export default meta;
[predicateType: 'arg' | 'global']: string;
eq?: any;
exists?: boolean;
neq?: any;
truthy?: boolean;
根据另一个 arg 或 global 的值有条件地渲染 argType。
¥Conditionally render an argType based on the value of another arg or global.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
parent: { control: 'select', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'] },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg exists
parentExists: { if: { arg: 'parent', exists: true } },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg does not exist
parentDoesNotExist: { if: { arg: 'parent', exists: false } },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg value is truthy
parentIsTruthy: { if: { arg: 'parent' } },
parentIsTruthyVerbose: { if: { arg: 'parent', truthy: true } },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg value is not truthy
parentIsNotTruthy: { if: { arg: 'parent', truthy: false } },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg value is 'three'
parentIsEqToValue: { if: { arg: 'parent', eq: 'three' } },
// 👇 Only shown when `parent` arg value is not 'three'
parentIsNotEqToValue: { if: { arg: 'parent', neq: 'three' } },
// Each of the above can also be conditional on the value of a globalType, e.g.:
// 👇 Only shown when `theme` global exists
parentExists: { if: { global: 'theme', exists: true } },
export default meta;
类型:{ [key: string]: { [option: string]: any } }
¥Type: { [key: string]: { [option: string]: any } }
将 options
¥Map options
to values.
处理非原始值时,你会注意到会遇到一些限制。最明显的问题是,并非每个值都可以表示为 URL 中 args
参数的一部分,从而失去了共享和深度链接到这种状态的能力。除此之外,诸如 JSX 之类的复杂值无法在管理器(例如,控件插件)和预览(你的故事)之间同步。
¥When dealing with non-primitive values, you'll notice that you'll run into some limitations. The most obvious issue is that not every value can be represented as part of the args
param in the URL, losing the ability to share and deeplink to such a state. Beyond that, complex values such as JSX cannot be synchronized between the manager (e.g., Controls addon) and the preview (your story).
不必详尽无遗。如果未列出当前选定的选项,则逐字使用。可以与 control.labels
doesn't have to be exhaustive. If the currently selected option is not listed, it's used verbatim. Can be used with control.labels
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
label: {
options: ['Normal', 'Bold', 'Italic'],
mapping: {
Bold: <b>Bold</b>,
Italic: <i>Italic</i>,
export default meta;
¥Type: string
对象使用参数的名称作为键。默认情况下,该键用于在 Storybook 中显示 argType。你可以通过指定 name
¥The argTypes
object uses the name of the arg as the key. By default, that key is used when displaying the argType in Storybook. You can override the displayed name by specifying a name
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
actualArgName: {
name: 'Friendly name',
export default meta;
¥Be careful renaming args in this way. Users of the component you're documenting will not be able to use the documented name as a property of your component and the actual name will not displayed.
因此,在定义仅用于文档目的而不是组件的实际属性的 argType
时,最好使用 name
属性。例如,当 为对象的每个属性提供 argTypes。
¥For this reason, the name
property is best used when defining an argType
that is only used for documentation purposes and not an actual property of the component. For example, when providing argTypes for each property of an object.
¥Type: string[]
¥Default: Inferred
如果参数接受一组有限的值,你可以使用 options
指定它们。如果这些值是 complex,如 JSX 元素,则可以使用 mapping
将它们映射到字符串值。你可以使用 control.labels
¥If the arg accepts a finite set of values, you can specify them with options
. If those values are complex, like JSX elements, you can use mapping
to map them to string values. You can use control.labels
to provide custom labels for the options.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
icon: {
options: ['arrow-up', 'arrow-down', 'loading'],
export default meta;
category?: string;
defaultValue?: {
detail?: string;
summary: string;
disable?: boolean;
subcategory?: string;
type?: {
detail?: string;
summary: string;
¥Default: Inferred
指定如何在 ArgTypes
文档块 和 控件插件面板 中记录参数。
¥Specify how the arg is documented in the ArgTypes
doc block, Controls
doc block, and Controls addon panel.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
value: {
table: {
defaultValue: { summary: 0 },
type: { summary: 'number' },
export default meta;
¥Type: string
¥Default: Inferred, in some frameworks
在类别标题下显示 argType,标签由 category
¥Display the argType under a category heading, with the label specified by category
类型:{ detail?: string; summary: string }
¥Type: { detail?: string; summary: string }
¥Default: Inferred
argType 的记录默认值。summary
通常用于值本身,而 detail
¥The documented default value of the argType. summary
is typically used for the value itself, while detail
is used for additional information.
¥Type: boolean
设置为 true
以从表中删除 argType 的行。
¥Set to true
to remove the argType's row from the table.
¥Type: boolean
设置为 true
以指示 argType 是只读的。
¥Set to true
to indicate that the argType is read-only.
¥Type: string
在子类别标题(显示在 [category
] 标题下)下显示 argType,标签由 subcategory
¥Display the argType under a subcategory heading (which displays under the [category
] heading), with the label specified by subcategory
类型:{ detail?: string; summary: string }
¥Type: { detail?: string; summary: string }
默认:从 type
¥Default: Inferred from type
argType 的记录类型。summary
通常用于类型本身,而 detail
¥The documented type of the argType. summary
is typically used for the type itself, while detail
is used for additional information.
如果你需要指定实际的语义类型,则应该使用 type
¥If you need to specify the actual, semantic type, you should use type
, instead.
类型:'boolean' | 'function' | 'number' | 'string' | 'symbol' | SBType
¥Type: 'boolean' | 'function' | 'number' | 'string' | 'symbol' | SBType
¥The full type of SBType
interface SBBaseType {
required?: boolean;
raw?: string;
type SBScalarType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'boolean' | 'string' | 'number' | 'function' | 'symbol';
type SBArrayType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'array';
value: SBType;
type SBObjectType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'object';
value: Record<string, SBType>;
type SBEnumType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'enum';
value: (string | number)[];
type SBIntersectionType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'intersection';
value: SBType[];
type SBUnionType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'union';
value: SBType[];
type SBOtherType = SBBaseType & {
name: 'other';
value: string;
type SBType =
| SBScalarType
| SBEnumType
| SBArrayType
| SBObjectType
| SBIntersectionType
| SBUnionType
| SBOtherType;
¥Default: Inferred
指定 argType 的语义类型。当 argType 为 inferred 时,来自各种工具的信息将汇总在此属性中,然后用于推断其他属性,如 control
和 table.type
¥Specifies the semantic type of the argType. When an argType is inferred, the information from the various tools is summarized in this property, which is then used to infer other properties, like control
and table.type
如果你只需要指定记录的类型,则应该使用 table.type
¥If you only need to specify the documented type, you should use table.type
, instead.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
value: { type: 'number' },
export default meta;
(⛔️ 已弃用)
¥(⛔️ Deprecated)
¥Type: any
定义 argType 的默认值。已弃用,改为直接定义 arg
¥Define the default value of the argType. Deprecated in favor of defining the arg
value directly.
// Replace your-renderer with the renderer you are using (e.g., react, vue3, angular, etc.)
import type { Meta } from '@storybook/your-renderer';
import { Example } from './Example';
const meta: Meta<typeof Example> = {
component: Example,
argTypes: {
value: {
// ⛔️ Deprecated, do not use
defaultValue: 0,
// ✅ Do this instead
args: {
value: 0,
export default meta;