Storybook Docs



¥Fix a typo or clarify a section of the docs. This page outlines how to edit the documentation.

查找 Markdown 文件

¥Find the Markdown file

滚动到相关文档的底部,然后单击✍️在 GitHub 上编辑 - 欢迎 PR!这将打开 GitHub 上的 Markdown 文件。

¥Scroll to the bottom of the document in question, then click ✍️ Edit on GitHub – PRs welcome! This will open the Markdown file on GitHub.

Storybook documentation edit

通过单击右上角的铅笔图标使用 GitHub 的 Web 编辑器。根据你的喜好调整文档。

¥Use GitHub's web editor by clicking the pencil icon on the right-hand corner. Tweak the document to your liking.

GitHub edit documentation

向下滚动到 GitHub 上文档页面的底部,描述你更改了什么以及原因。选择 Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request 选项,然后单击 Propose changes 按钮。

¥Scroll down to the bottom of the document page on GitHub and describe what you changed and why. Select the Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request option then click the Propose changes button.

Fill the commit information


¥Create the pull request

在 Storybook 存储库中,创建一个拉取请求,描述更改并包含有助于维护人员审查的其他上下文。提交 PR 后,维护人员将指导你完成分类和合并过程。

¥In the Storybook repository, create a pull request that describes changes and includes additional context that would help maintainers review. Once you submit the PR, a maintainer will guide you through the triage and merge process.

了解有关为 Storybook 做贡献的更多信息

¥Learn more about contributing to Storybook

  • RFC 流程 用于编写功能请求

    ¥RFC process for authoring feature requests

  • 代码 用于功能和错误修复

    ¥Code for features and bug fixes

  • 框架 用于开始使用新框架

    ¥Frameworks to get started with a new framework

  • 用于文档改进、拼写错误和澄清的文档

    ¥Documentation for documentation improvements, typos, and clarifications

  • 示例 提供有关新代码片段和示例

    ¥Examples for new snippets and examples