Storybook Docs


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Storybook 可以使用轻量级主题 API 进行主题设置。

¥Storybook is theme-able using a lightweight theming API.


¥Global theming

可以全局主题化 Storybook。

¥It's possible to theme Storybook globally.

Storybook 包含两个开箱即用的主题:"light" 和 "dark"。除非你将首选配色方案设置为深色,否则 Storybook 将使用浅色主题作为默认主题。

¥Storybook includes two themes that look good out of the box: "light" and "dark". Unless you've set your preferred color scheme as dark, Storybook will use the light theme as default.

确保你已安装 @storybook/manager-api@storybook/theming 软件包。

¥Make sure you have installed @storybook/manager-api and @storybook/theming packages.

npm install --save-dev @storybook/manager-api @storybook/theming

作为示例,你可以通过修改 .storybook/manager.js 来告诉 Storybook 使用 "dark" 主题:

¥As an example, you can tell Storybook to use the "dark" theme by modifying .storybook/manager.js:

import { addons } from '@storybook/manager-api';
import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';
  theme: themes.dark,


¥When setting a theme, set a complete theme object. The theme is replaced, not combined.


¥Theming docs

Storybook 文档 使用与 Storybook UI 相同的主题系统,但主题独立于主 UI。

¥Storybook Docs uses the same theme system as Storybook’s UI but is themed independently from the main UI.

假设你为 .storybook/manager.js 中的主 UI 定义了一个 Storybook 主题:

¥Supposing you have a Storybook theme defined for the main UI in .storybook/manager.js:

import { addons } from '@storybook/manager-api';
import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';
  theme: themes.dark,

以下是在 .storybook/preview.js 中为文档指定相同主题的方法:

¥Here's how you'd specify the same theme for docs in .storybook/preview.js:

// Replace your-framework with the framework you are using (e.g., react, vue3)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-framework';
import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    docs: {
      theme: themes.dark,
export default preview;


¥Continue to read if you want to learn how to create your theme.


¥Create a theme quickstart

自定义 Storybook 的最简单方法是使用 storybook/theming 中的 create() 函数生成新主题。此函数包括最常见主题变量的简写。以下是如何使用它:

¥The easiest way to customize Storybook is to generate a new theme using the create() function from storybook/theming. This function includes shorthands for the most common theme variables. Here's how to use it:

在你的 .storybook 目录中,创建一个名为 YourTheme.js 的新文件并添加以下内容:

¥Inside your .storybook directory, create a new file called YourTheme.js and add the following:

import { create } from '@storybook/theming';
export default create({
  base: 'light',
  brandTitle: 'My custom Storybook',
  brandUrl: '',
  brandImage: '',
  brandTarget: '_self',

如果你使用 brandImage 添加自定义徽标,则可以使用任何最常见的图片格式。

¥If you're using brandImage to add your custom logo, you can use any of the most common image formats.


¥Above, we're creating a new theme that will:

  • 使用 Storybook 的 light 主题作为基准。

    ¥Use Storybook's light theme as a baseline.

  • 将侧边栏中的 Storybook 徽标替换为我们自己的徽标(在 brandImage 变量中定义)。

    ¥Replace Storybook's logo in the sidebar with our own (defined in the brandImage variable).

  • 添加自定义品牌信息。

    ¥Add custom branding information.

  • 通过 target 属性将品牌链接设置为在同一窗口中打开(而不是在新窗口中打开)。

    ¥Set the brand link to open in the same window (as opposed to a new one), via the target attribute.

最后,我们需要将主题导入 Storybook。在你的 .storybook 目录中创建一个名为 manager.js 的新文件并添加以下内容:

¥Finally, we'll need to import the theme into Storybook. Create a new file called manager.js in your .storybook directory and add the following:

import { addons } from '@storybook/manager-api';
import yourTheme from './YourTheme';
  theme: yourTheme,

现在你的自定义主题将取代 Storybook 的默认主题,你将在 UI 中看到一组类似的更改。

¥Now your custom theme will replace Storybook's default theme, and you'll see a similar set of changes in the UI.

Storybook starter theme

让我们看一个更复杂的例子。复制以下代码并将其粘贴到 .storybook/YourTheme.js 中。

¥Let's take a look at a more complex example. Copy the code below and paste it in .storybook/YourTheme.js.

import { create } from '@storybook/theming/create';
export default create({
  base: 'light',
  // Typography
  fontBase: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
  fontCode: 'monospace',
  brandTitle: 'My custom Storybook',
  brandUrl: '',
  brandImage: '',
  brandTarget: '_self',
  colorPrimary: '#3A10E5',
  colorSecondary: '#585C6D',
  // UI
  appBg: '#ffffff',
  appContentBg: '#ffffff',
  appPreviewBg: '#ffffff',
  appBorderColor: '#585C6D',
  appBorderRadius: 4,
  // Text colors
  textColor: '#10162F',
  textInverseColor: '#ffffff',
  // Toolbar default and active colors
  barTextColor: '#9E9E9E',
  barSelectedColor: '#585C6D',
  barHoverColor: '#585C6D',
  barBg: '#ffffff',
  // Form colors
  inputBg: '#ffffff',
  inputBorder: '#10162F',
  inputTextColor: '#10162F',
  inputBorderRadius: 2,


¥Above, we're updating the theme with the following changes:

  • 自定义调色板(在 appcolor 变量中定义)。

    ¥A custom color palette (defined in the app and color variables).

  • 自定义字体(在 fonttext 变量中定义)。

    ¥Custom fonts (defined in the font and text variables).


¥With the new changes introduced, the custom theme should yield a similar result.

Storybook custom theme loaded

许多主题变量是可选的,但 base 属性不是。

¥Many theme variables are optional, the base property is NOT.

@storybook/theming 包是使用 TypeScript 构建的,这应该有助于为 TypeScript 用户创建有效的主题。类型是包本身的一部分。

¥The @storybook/theming package is built using TypeScript, which should help create a valid theme for TypeScript users. The types are part of the package itself.

CSS 应急方案

¥CSS escape hatches

Storybook 主题 API 在设计上很狭窄。如果你想对 CSS 进行细粒度控制,所有 UI 和 Docs 组件都标有类名以实现这一点。使用风险自负,因为这是高级功能。

¥The Storybook theme API is narrow by design. If you want to have fine-grained control over the CSS, all UI and Docs components are tagged with class names to make this possible. Use at your own risk as this is an advanced feature.


¥To style these elements, insert style tags into:

  • 对于 Storybook 的 UI,请使用 .storybook/manager-head.html

    ¥For Storybook’s UI, use .storybook/manager-head.html

  • 对于 Storybook 文档,请使用 .storybook/preview-head.html

    ¥For Storybook Docs, use .storybook/preview-head.html


就像你可以调整 预览的 head 标签 一样,Storybook 允许你通过 .storybook/manager-head.html 在管理器端修改代码。它在添加针对 Storybook HTML 的主题样式时很有用,但它是有代价的,因为 Storybook 的内部 HTML 可能会在发布周期的任何时候发生变化。

¥The same way as you can adjust your preview’s head tag, Storybook allows you to modify the code on the manager's side, through .storybook/manager-head.html. It can be helpful when adding theme styles that target Storybook's HTML, but it comes with a cost as Storybook's inner HTML can change at any time through the release cycle.

MDX 组件覆盖

¥MDX component overrides

如果你使用 MDX 进行文档,则还有一个 "themability" 级别。MDX 允许你使用 components 参数完全覆盖 Markdown 中渲染的组件。这是我们在 Storybook 中不正式支持的高级用法,但如果你需要它,它是一个强大的构造。

¥If you're using MDX for docs, there's one more level of "themability". MDX allows you to completely override the rendered components from Markdown using a components parameter. It's an advanced usage that we don't officially support in Storybook, but it's a powerful construct if you need it.

以下是在 .storybook/preview.js 中为页面上的 code 块插入自定义代码渲染器的方法:

¥Here's how you might insert a custom code renderer for code blocks on the page, in .storybook/preview.js:

// Replace your-framework with the framework you are using (e.g., react, vue3)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-framework';
import { CodeBlock } from './CodeBlock';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    docs: {
      components: {
        code: CodeBlock,
export default preview;

你甚至可以覆盖 Storybook 块组件。

¥You can even override a Storybook block component.

以下是插入自定义 <Canvas /> 块的方法:

¥Here's how you might insert a custom <Canvas /> block:

// Replace your-framework with the framework you are using (e.g., react, vue3)
import { Preview } from '@storybook/your-framework';
import { MyCanvas } from './MyCanvas';
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    docs: {
      components: {
        Canvas: MyCanvas,
export default preview;


¥Addons and theme creation

一些插件需要 Storybook 用户必须添加的特定主题变量。如果你与社区分享你的主题,请确保支持官方 API 和其他流行的插件,以便你的用户获得一致的体验。

¥Some addons require specific theme variables that a Storybook user must add. If you share your theme with the community, make sure to support the official API and other popular addons, so your users have a consistent experience.

例如,流行的 Actions 插件就使用 react-inspector,它有自己的主题。提供其他主题变量以使其样式化,如下所示:

¥For example, the popular Actions addon uses react-inspector, which has themes of its own. Supply additional theme variables to style it like so:

addonActionsTheme: {
  BASE_FONT_FAMILY: typography.fonts.mono,
  BASE_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'transparent',


¥Using the theme for addon authors

重用上述主题变量以获得原生 Storybook 开发者体验。主题引擎依赖于 emotion,一个 CSS-in-JS 库。

¥Reuse the theme variables above for a native Storybook developer experience. The theming engine relies on emotion, a CSS-in-JS library.

import { styled } from '@storybook/theming';


¥Use the theme variables in object notation:

const Component = styled.div(({ theme }) => ({
  width: 0,


¥Or with template literals:

const Component = styled.div`
  background: `${props =>}`
  width: 0;